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Redemption® Gaming on LackeyCCG / Re: Update to Lackey CCG Plugin 2023-12-03
« Last post by Bobby Fritts on April 04, 2024, 08:22:40 PM »
A player pointed out that both versions of Wicked Community (Priests and IR) share the exact same, verbatim card name in lackey- "Wicked Community", as opposed to the IR version being named Wicked Community [IR] . Both versions currently have set abbreviations at the end in the spreadsheet. Thought behind this is it may be problematic for importing decks, but not sure how big of a deal that is.
Gabe posted this on the Redemption Discord Channel:

"To the best of our knowledge everyone who was given fake cards has been compensated. Adam will be welcomed back to our community with open arms. Please be sure to offer him the same forgiveness that Christ has given to you! To God be the Glory!!!"
Redemption® Market / Re: CtheTree Trade Hub
« Last post by CtheTree on March 31, 2024, 01:41:48 AM »
This has been updated check the link in the above post.
Redemption® Resources and Thinktank / Re: Land of Redemption
« Last post by CtheTree on March 31, 2024, 01:40:46 AM »
Land of Redemption is pleased to present a new addition to The Deck Database by AgurTheWise. Jake has kindly contributed his very solid deck build "Newspaper" to The Deck Database. Check it out here:
Redemption® Market / Re: PRICES DROPPED on complete sets
« Last post by KingArv on March 29, 2024, 12:40:03 PM »
Remaining collection undervalued at $313, but you can have it for $158 (free shipping)

I can also not include all the extra cards (common/uncommon) if you ONLY want the complete set plus rare/ultra rares
This is copied from the Redemption Discord.

Quote from: Gabe
Redemption Community,

It is with a sad and heavy heart that I have to share the following news with you.

We've discovered a member of our community has produced counterfeit cards and passed them off as genuine. This was most recently discovered through a large number of eBay auctions. We've been in contact with the individual and given him the chance to come clean, but he has chosen not to do so thus far.

The (alleged) counterfeiter is “Oldmanmcgregor” whose real name is Adam Sperlonga from NH. His eBay name is cardboardcollector_5. We have more than enough evidence to be completely confident that it is him and that the cards are fakes.

He's passed off both URs and promos as authentic when they are not. We are aware of at least one trade that dates back to September 2023 in which counterfeit cards were given for his end of the deal. If you've made a trade with this individual please check your cards. If you need assistance determining if they are real or fake, please DM myself or one of elders so that we may assist you.

Gabe (on behalf of the Moderators and Elders)
Redemption® Market / Re: PRICES DROPPED on complete sets
« Last post by KingArv on March 28, 2024, 02:49:58 PM »
Couple things sold, so overall collection price dropped to $558.
Redemption® Market / Re: PRICES DROPPED on complete sets
« Last post by KingArv on March 26, 2024, 07:06:13 PM »
I will also sell all the scrolls (non EC, PC, CoW) cards for $300, free shipping. That’s an extra $33 off.
Redemption® Market / Re: PRICES DROPPED on complete sets
« Last post by KingArv on March 26, 2024, 04:51:44 PM »
Bump, including price drop around 50% off originally priced on here.
Official Rules & Errata / Re: Gold Shield Shenanigans!
« Last post by RedemptionAggie on March 26, 2024, 11:17:13 AM »
Yes, you can use it on your Heroes.
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