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So Pharisees, Gomer, KoT, Uzzah, Sabbath Breaker, and Ammy's Slave for defense?
k....now i just need to find some good gray enhancements for sabbath and vitellius.
The chances of a Hero not having anything to win a rescue is extremely slim. Balaams D will be a dead draw if only using Breaker and Vitellus.
ok all here is my deck for TGTCards in Deck: 63 51Lost Souls: 8 w/HopperRevealerNT OnlyHopperFemale onlyFirst RoundThorns3-LinerBeggarDoms: 7SoG/NJGuardianAoTLBurialMayhemCMArts/Curses/Covenants:8 5CharmsFDCShroudNew Covenant (Bread and Wine)Writ30 PiecesTemple VeilRBD Blue TasselsGrailForts: 1Garden TombWhite heroes: 6JoannaSalomeNicodemusJoe of Arim.Mary MagMary james' MomSusieLydiaPurple Heroes: 1 3JohnPhilBartRed Heroes: 1PeterSilver heroes: 1Angel of the harvestWhite Enhances: 5 3Consider the liliesHe is RisenHoly priesthoodNo need for spicesWords of EncouragementPurple Enhances: 2AoC PromoReach of DesperationRed Enhances: 2Battle CryWalking on WaterMulti Enhances: 4 3Faith in Our high priestBenedictusFaith as a Mustard SeedPentecostFirst FruitsCrimson EC: 1Judas IscariotBrown EC: 2GomerUzzahpale green EC: 2BalaamUOCAGray EC: 2VitelliusBreakerOrange EC: 1KoTMulti EC: 1SlaveCrimson Enhances: 1Judas' PlotBrown Enhances: 1Haman's PlotGray Enhances: 1Balaams DisobediencePale Green Enhances: 1Death of UnrighteousMulti Evil Enhances: 4Magician's SnakesArrest in GethsemaneSatan Enters JudasExpelling the Jews