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it has plenty of speed and tutor, just not as raw with the hugely and obscenely instant gratification plus's with other strats such as sammies or disciples.
thats what this deck is missing, answer to prayer...creation is also dead late-game. how does this deck fare with just one hero to play it on?
I doubt you really need Storehouse...even without it I don't see this deck having trouble drawing, and you could certainly use another evil battle winner such as Wonders Forgotten.Damsel/Death of Unrighteous could also work well.
Did you considered Hidden Treasures at all?Have you faced Hezekiah's Signet Ring?How has Mayhem affected you?How has anti-ignore affected you?
Did you considered Hidden Treasures at all?Have you faced Hezekiah's Signet Ring?How has Mayhem affected you?How has anti-ignore affected you?Not necessarily suggesting you to switch anything because I've not started playtesting my version of this idea yet. However, the answers to the above questions is what I would seek out to see how the deck stacks up against it's counters.
Out:King of TyrusMagic CharmsIn:GomerHaman's PlotAnswer to PrayerLook good?