Author Topic: My Nats report, type 1 2 player.  (Read 1149 times)

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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My Nats report, type 1 2 player.
« on: August 19, 2010, 12:45:56 AM »
Having been a dominant type 2 player the last few years, I decided I'd take a crack at type 1 this year since I have never played in a high level type 1 tournament. I did not get a chance to ever test my deck out in a game or make any modifications to it whatsoever. I made a deck that I felt comfortable with, and knew would be a blast to play with. So I made a 70 card site lockout deck. It had Judge's Seat, Abomb, The Generous Widow, orange/Phillies. It was nasty. I posted it under complete decks.
Round 1- Jonathon Greeson, not sure if I spelt "Jon" right, aka Soul Seeker
I get out Zaccheus 2nd turn and pull out Gates of Hell which is always good for me. He is playing a teal/green Z Temple deck and I am using green sites, dangit. I block turn 1 and 2 but can't block turn 3 so I activate B Shroud and he DoN's it, 0-1. He has no access out or any sites, so I Land Dispute his Z Temple, so far so good. I block him turn after turn but eventually he gets in for another 0-2. He decks out and I have a handful of defense and he plays SoG/NJ for 0-4. This is where I say I will either win 5-4 or lose 0-5. He attacks me and I know he only has a Burning Incense and Zeal for the Lord left. He plays Mayhem. I draw 6 figuring I would get out something since my whole deck is practically defense, but I got 2 fortresses, a good dominant, a good enhancement, a Demon Behind the Idol, and a hero. Absolutely nothing. He attacks, I block and he plays Zeal, I use Gates to bring out a band and have a Winged Leopard in battle. I know he will have initiative so I need to do an Evil Spawn and hope for something on the bottom of my deck. I figure I have great odds for their to be either a orange battle winner, black battle winner, dominant, or black character so he couldn't ignore all my guys. I band in Evil Spawn with Gates and reveal... DoN.  :( He plays his winner and wins the game.
Round 2 Paul from MN
I'll do this tomorrow and the rest.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2010, 12:54:34 AM by Mr.Hiatus »


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