New Redemption Grab Bag now includes an assortment of 500 cards from five (5) different expansion sets. Available at Cactus website.
Herod Agrippa IJewish King, warrior class"Search deck for Gates of Jerusalem and put into play. Discard a disciple (limit once per game). Capture any N.T. hero. Can't be negated by a good character."Acts 12:1-3
Herod AntipasJewish King, warrior class"May band to Herodias. Negate all protect abilities. Discard John the Baptist. Search deck or discard pile for a gold, evil weapon and put on a warrior class evil character."Luke 3:19-20
Berniceroyalty, x=#of weapons in play."Discard xN.T. heros. May band to Herod Agrippa II. May play the first enhancement."Acts 25:23
HerodiasRoyalty"Search deck for a card that has "discard" or "capture" in it's special ability. Negate all special abilities on heros that are 5/5 or more."Mark 6: 24