Author Topic: Supporting a New Format...  (Read 14456 times)

Offline 777Godspeed

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Re: Supporting a New Format...
« Reply #25 on: January 19, 2020, 02:16:06 PM »
The LoC only category will offer a special participation promo in addition to the normal tournament participation promo! Hosts can choose from 1 of 6 options when registering!
Just want to have this straight... I run a Tourney with a LoC only category, participants will receive a Tourney Promo card as well as an LoC only Promo card for a total of 2 Promo cards?
Secondly, if I run a Tourney with 2 LoC only categories, participants will receive a Tourney Promo as well as a LoC promo for each LoC category for a total of 3 Promos?
Just checking...

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