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Any good build recommendations for skyrim?

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After having the game for several months, i am finally going start playing Skyrim. Are there any build types best for a first time play through?  I like melee and magic type characters so a hybrid maybe?

Skyrim is dummy proof. Builds aren't really a thing like they are in the original Elder Scrolls games or the Dark Souls series.

You start as a level 1 character who can do everything and you go from there. No classes to pick from and you only have three characters stats to level; Magic, Health and Stamina. Leveling works the same as former Elder Scrolls games, level up 10 skills to get a new level. You get perks for leveling like in Fallout 4. No actual stats like in other RPGs or even former Elder Scrolls games, just skills to level.

Try and pick melee, magic or sneaky at the start and stick with it. If you make a character that does too much or you switch your emphasis too many times you're going to end up having a hard time.

If you're looking for raw power, stealth archer is widely considered one of the more powerful builds. That said, I personally find that particular playstyle boring as heck.

Generally speaking, you can do pretty much whatever you want. You like melee and magic? Spellsword works great. Don't like fighting? Just throw atronachs at your enemies! The possibilities are endless, and pretty much everything works until you get super late game.
I personally like two-handed/heavy armor best. Throw in some smithing and enchanting and whack anything in your way with hammers until they aren't in your way anymore.

I always tend to play a spell sword character of some sort (even when I don't want to) It's really the most balanced "class".  Two handed heavies are the best damage dealers though, and are really fun to play. Right now, I'm trying out a druid type character who uses staffs as his primary weapon. It's starting a little slow, but he is fun to play. I'd recommend trying a spell sword or a sneaky archer, as they are the easiest to pick up right off the bat. But after that, it's all up to you! For future characters, you can focus more on the aspects that you really liked from your first characters. 

Stealth Archer is really fun! I also have lots of fun with my destruction mage, chain lightning is broken. The best mage class is conjuration but really the nice thing about this game is you can choose your play style, though I have found that most of them are love it or hate it.


Quick Question: Is it worth jumping into Elder scrolls Oblivion after playing Skyrim first? Or is this going to be too much of a "shock" graphics or game play wise?


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