Open Forum > Testimonials

The Birth of Royal Rangers Redemption

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Per Commander Ken P (TX) the Spanish Eastern District director learned about Redemption at a territorial conference last summer. Spanish Eastern comprises the Mississippi River East and Spanish speaking churches.  Luis V, the leader of that region said he had spoken with Cactus and we are sending people to his leadership conference next month. Redemption jedi around the area are most welcome to contact Rob for details so you can volunteer to help.

Meanwhile, per Dario V (NY), John M (MA) and he will demo Redemption at Commander Adam A's Royal Rangers sectional meeting on Long Island NY on 02 November. Redemption jedi around the area are most welcome to contact John & Dario for details so you can volunteer to help.

Prayers up as we declare amazing wildfire as the the Royal Rangers help spread Redemption around the world.

God is good!

We celebrate yet another testimonial for the RR South Texas Sectional Derby. See details here:

God is GOOD!

Right of pic: Jaylon our junior Royal Ranger teaching the game at camp today. I had no idea they had camp this weekend. Commander Jeff surprised me with a text message. Jaylon took it upon himself to teach the game without even needing to let me know. Now that is a true Redemption young jedi and a game master in the making!

God is good!

Just.....keep.....planting quality seeds! Never worry about the fruit! God will make it happen!

What an honor to have just finished promoting Redemption at the 2020 annual Royal Rangers LEAD Conference with my friend and godfather ReyZen.

It was an amazing and humbling experience, being able to teach Royal Ranger Commanders about my favorite hobby and watch them eagerly welcome the game.

Demos given: 40+ (with many being full games or near-full)
Viewers: 300+

Here are some of my favorite pictures. (Credit to ReyZen for the great off-guard photos!)

In these two pictures, I train the young commander-in-training Zachary in Redemption. He went on later in the convention to teach the game to an 11 and 8 year old, who will go on to sell and promote the game with their family!
What a blessing it was to be a witness to the immediate growth of so many planted seeds.

In the next picture, I teach Redemption to Joe B, a new avid player who is also a Youth Pastor and RR Commander. We became friends pretty quickly, and we did some card trading and I was able to help him expand his starter deck. I have no doubt that Redemption will spread like wildfire back at his home church and beyond. In the second image, Commander Joe begins practicing further and playing a game with Commander Sam, another avid player.

In these two photos below, I introduce the game to a RR commander who's husband curiously spectates the game.
Just a few minutes later, the couple faces off against each other with only slight assistance.

In the photo below, I was blessed with the honor of training RR Camp-o-rama Director Branden K. One of the many fruitful immediate harvests I noticed was when he went on to train two commanders that were new to the game (Second photo below) and then immediately taught his son later that night (The small photo below). It is truly a blessing to experience these seeds growing so quickly, and I know they will continue to grow and spread behind the scenes.

In the first image below, I was blessed with the chance to teach RR International Missionary Jeremiah H. In the second photo below, him and fellow RR International leaders embrace Redemption.
The game is headed to 90+ countries!

In the image below, I had a joyful time playing with 8-year old James S. and his older brother (on left) Micah, while their younger sister spectated. Their family is taking the game with them to play, promote, and sell, as they travel around the USA.
A traveling truck full of seeds, ready to be planted!!

In the photo below, a good sized crowd of newly-taught commanders sit down for a Friday Night Redemption session.
Camporama Director Commander Branden (center) eagerly started teaching the game while I overlooked things and answered judging questions.

In the final image, Commander Joe trains two commanders in his newly-acquired awareness and knowledge of this great game.

What a wonderful convention this was, with a huge amount of commanders soaking up the game and turning right around to teach others. Redemption made a massive name for itself at LEAD 2020, and this is just the beginning. When these Royal Ranger leaders headed back to their home states, Redemption went with them.

As these Commanders train their students and fellow leaders back home, I pray that thousands of new players learn the game through them and spread it far beyond what we can comprehend.

You guys are so inspiring!! Way to go!!!


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