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2018 Redemption Fantasy Football interest list

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The Guardian:
Please sign up below if you are interested in joining.

ESPN -- PPR scoring

If you played last year, feel free to mention any rule adjustments we talked about making for this year.

1. Nathan Voigt
2. Justin Alstad
3. Josiah Beers
4. Kyle Hostutler
5. Beers the Senior
6. Jerome Beers
7. Chad Zepp
8. Jon Masters
9. Robin Dermo
10. Bill Voigt
11. Jordan Alstad
12. Mitch Stewart

In and looking for the repeat

I hope Brian gets in on this. He will waste his first pick on Matt Ryan.

The Guardian:

--- Quote from: jbeers285 on August 09, 2018, 04:34:53 PM ---In and looking for the repeat

I hope Brian gets in on this. He will waste his first pick on Matt Ryan.

--- End quote ---

Given that it's PPR, I think he'll be wise enough to grab Julio... ::)

I'm in.  Dallas Cowboys incoming Superbowl and fantasy championship!  ;)  What does your all setup look like?  How many WR's, flex, etc.

The Guardian:

--- Quote ---What does your all setup look like?  How many WR's, flex, etc.
--- End quote ---

I can't recall exactly...once Hobbit reactivates the league, then I'll look it up.


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