Redemption® Collectible Trading Card Game HQ > REG and ORDIR

REG update...


I found this sentence in the current REG under deck building rules for both T1 and T2...

 (The Lost Souls card counts as 1 (one) Lost Soul and the “Hopper” Lost
Soul does not count towards Lost Soul deck building requirements).

Since an update is coming and the 2-3 Liner is banned, it probably doesn't need to be in there...  :dunno:


I believe that’s for the booster draft/sealed deck categories that if it’s pulled it’s now considered one meek LS.

It should probably be clarified that is what happens then. And/Or maybe/maybe not... a small subsection included in the REG, under Deck Building Rules (or somewhere easy to find), Banned cards and how they are treated for Booster Draft and Sealed Deck.
But, I would venture a guess that a banned card is exactly that... BANNED and is unplayable/unusable in any tournament format.



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