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Redemption Card Visualizer (beta)

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Mike Wolfe has built a nifty program on his Redemption Live site

It is a great way to see cards with information.  Moreover, the cards can be sorted in a variety of ways.  THANK YOU MIKE!

This is a beta version and there are some conflicts with some web browsers including Chrome.  If after installing the program you get a blank load then refresh once or twice and all usually works fine.  Enjoy.

Wow, this is really neat! Filtering by special abilities, brigades, identifiers, all that stuff - really sweet! The load time is quite a bit, but it's really slick and high-quality. I can see using this for deck building or finding strange cases for ruling questions. :)

For me, it doesn't work on Chrome, but it does on Firefox.

Wow! This replaces the REG for most of my needs. One thing I am anxious for is an "add to deck" button. :)

Prof Underwood:
This is a GREAT addition to the community, and I think people will really get a lot of good use out of this.  The fact that it also gets us 1 step closer to Redemption Live is gravy :)

Can I just say that the shot of every card in the whole system (game, perhaps?) when you first load up the Visualizer is AWESOME!

I think I'll be using that quite a bit to find cards that could use a reprint. :D

Also, the system as a whole is wonderful. Being able to sort by special ability makes it cake to plan ability-based themes for decks.

EDIT: Played around with it more, I LOVE THIS. It's smooth, it's visually appealing (when you choose a sort, the cards that no longer fit fly off-screen and the remaining ones re-order themselves), and it makes my life so much easier. :D


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