Redemption® Collectible Trading Card Game HQ > Playgroup and Tournament Central

POLL: Preference about potential changes used in TLG Tournaments.

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uthminister [BR]:
Please let us know what you think about the above poll question...

uthminister [BR]:
The poll is live now, please let us know your top preference in the above options. Thanks so much for your help. I will be sending out a nice little thank you prize to one of our random poll takers. I will contact you if your name is chosen.

I am interested in testing most of these ideas but I don't want to cast a vote when I have no experiences with them.

I concur with jbeers, these look like fun ideas all. It was a tough choice  ;). For future voters, could you clarify what cards would be limited/banned. Are you talking about something like a tournament where no dominants can be used, or only cards from certain expansions could be used? I think tournaments where all players are restricted in their cards choices could be quite interesting and fun.

For sure, a lot of these ideas would be fun to try. Happy polling everyone  :D.

Lampy 2.0:
I'm all for a mulligan rule. However, considering the way the game works, mulliganing would be interesting.


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