Redemption® Collectible Trading Card Game HQ > Redemption® Market
ESI Product list and price lists including Pre-orders for IR are now live!
Hi, My name is Steven. I started Ethereal Synergy Inc. a little over seven
years ago. I sell Redemption as well as other things. I have been hosting Redemption for over 15 years, and playing for over 20 years.
I accept PayPal (no extra charge), credit cards/debit cards (no extra charge), money order, personal checks, and cashier's checks. We also now accept Zelle.
Paypal payments can be sent to
Shipping is free in the US for all orders $100 or more. International shipping is on a case by case basis.
My mailing address for checks, money orders, and/or trades is the following:
Ethereal Synergy Inc
154 Walnut Ridge Drive
Beaver Falls, PA 15010
I do not have a website up yet, so you will be able to find my products and other specials here.
I also have other non-Redemption products that I sell. If you would like details regarding this please send me a message, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
People have been asking me Steven where is your pricelist, do you have a website? These are great questions. The answer is everything takes time. Until I get a website up, I will start listing my pricelists and product lists here. I have no quantity limits per person. It’s on a first come first served basis. I will not currently be able to list quantities here, but will be updating that over time as well. Price and product lists are listed below.
*** currently under construction *** please ignore pricing below this post. Pricing and quantities need to be updated.
Price Lists:
cards listed in following format:
card name price (#) - the number inside parantheses is the quantity available on hand, if the number is zero it means that I haven't updated the quantity, and if quantity/number is oos means we are currently out of stock, if its a 9 it means that I have 9 or more copies, but will not specify a total.
*** please note, if I have a card that is (oos) "out of stock", and you have one or more that you would be willing to trade me, please contact me not on this page. Send me a pm, and I will work it out with you. ***
Aaron's Rod 0.25
Abaddon the Destroyer 0.50
Abandonment 0.25
Abihu 0.10
Adino 0.10
Ahab 0.10
Alertness 0.10
Angel Food 0.10
Angel of the Lord 3.00
Antidote 0.25
Asahel 0.25
Authority of Christ 0.50
Axe 0.10
Balm of Gilead 0.25
Banner 0.10
Banner of Love 0.10
Barnabas 0.25
Battle Axe 0.10
Beast from the Earth 0.50
Beast from the Sea 0.50
Boils 0.10
Bow and Arrow (Gray) 0.10
Bow and Arrow (Red) 0.25
Brass Serpent 0.50
Bravery of David 0.10
Bread of Life 0.50
Breastplate of Righteousness 0.50
Buckler 0.10
Burial 1.50
Cage 0.50
Chains 0.25
Chariots of Iron 0.10
Chariots of the Sun 0.10
Chastisement of the Lord 0.50
Christian Martyr 3.00
Christian Soldier 0.25
Clemency of David 0.25
Coat of Mail 0.10
Commitment of Paul 0.10
Compassion of Jeremiah 0.10
Cornelius 0.25
Courage 0.25
Courage of Esther 0.25
Cruelty 0.50
Darkness 0.50
David's Sling 0.25
David's Staff 0.25
Deborah 0.25
Dedication of Samuel 0.10
Delilah 0.50
Determination of Nehemiah 0.10
Devotion of Ruth 0.10
Discord 0.10
Doeg 0.25
Ehud's Dagger 0.10
Endurance 0.10
Esther 0.25
Evil 0.10
Ezekiel's Stick 0.50
Faith 0.25
Faith of Abraham 0.10
Faithful Servant 0.10
Faithfulness of Luke 0.10
False Shepherds 0.25
False Teachers 0.25
Fearlessness of Joshua 0.10
Fiery Darts 0.10
Five Smooth Stones 0.10
Forcefulness of Isaiah 0.10
Forgiveness of Joseph 0.10
Frog Demons 0.50
Gentleness 0.10
Gideon 0.50
Goliath 1.50
Goliath's Spear 0.10
Goodness 0.10
Grief 0.10
Haman 0.25
Hannah 0.25
Hard-Hearted Religious Leaders 0.10
Hate 0.50
Healing 0.50
Helmet of Brass 0.25
Helmet of Salvation 0.50
Herodias 0.25
Hope 0.10
Humility of Moses 0.10
Hushai 0.25
Jaazaniah 0.25
Jezebel 0.25
Joab 0.50
Jonathan 0.25
Joy 0.10
Judas Iscariot 0.25
Kindness 0.25
Kindness (error with cross) 0.25
Lance 0.10
Leaves for Healing 0.50
Locust from the Pit 0.50
Long-suffering of John 0.10
Lost Soul (1 Kings 17:12) 0.10
Lost Soul (2 Tim 2:26) 0.10
Lost Soul (2 Tim 3:6-7) 0.10
Lost Soul (Eph 5:14) 0.10
Lost Soul (Ez 34:12) 0.10
Lost Soul (Ez 36:19) 0.10
Lost Soul (Is 42:7) 0.10
Lost Soul (Job 33:27-28) 0.10
Lost Soul (Luke 13:25) 0.10
Lost Soul (Luke 15:6) 0.10
Lost Souls (2 line) 8.00
Lost Souls (3 line) 4.00
Love 0.10
Loyalty of Jonathan 0.10
Mark 0.25
Mary 0.25
Meditation 0.50
Meekness of Isaac 0.25
Mercy of James 0.10
Mighty Warrior 0.25
Miriam 0.25
Net 0.50
Obedience of Noah 0.50
Ointment 0.25
Othniel 0.25
Patience 0.10
Patience of Job 0.50
Peace 0.50
Pharaoh 0.25
Pillar of a Cloud 0.50
Plague of Flies 0.50
Poison 0.10
Prayer and Fasting 0.50
Purity of Enoch 0.10
Rage 0.50
Rebekah 0.25
Red Dragon 0.50
Repentance 0.25
Rod of Iron 0.10
Ruth 0.25
Salome 0.25
Samson 0.50
Samuel 0.25
Shamgar 0.25
Shield of Faith 0.50
Shimei 0.25
Shoes of Peace 0.50
Silas 0.25
Sleep 0.50
Snare 0.50
Son of God 1.00
Sound the Alarm 0.50
Speed 0.50
Steadfastness of Peter 0.10
Stillness 0.50
Stocks 0.50
Stone of Thebez 0.10
Stone Throwers 0.25
Strength 0.10
Submissiveness of Mary 0.10
Sword of the Spirit 0.50
Taskmaster 0.25
Temperance 0.25
Treachery 0.10
Truthfulness of Nathan 0.10
Uriah 0.25
Vain Philosophy 0.50
Whore of Babylon 0.50
Wildness 0.25
Wisdom 0.25
Legacy Rares
Assyrian Archer 6.00 (9)
Astrologers 3.00 (9)
Balaam 4.00 (oos)
Balaam's Disobedience 4.00 (oos)
Captured Ark 8.00 (oos)
Capturing Canaan 3.00 (oos)
Cherubim 1.00 (9)
Confusion of Mind 4.00 (9)
Daniel, the Apocalyptist 6.00 (9)
Death of Unrighteous 6.00 (oos)
Egyptian Magicians 5.00 (oos)
Eve 3.00 (oos)
Gomer 4.00 (9)
Great Image 2.50 (9)
Joseph Before Pharaoh 1.50 (9)
Joshua the High Priest 2.50 (9)
Live Coal 1.50 (9)
Lost Soul - Deck Discard 1.50 (9)
Lost Soul - Hopper 10.00 (oos)
Lost Soul - Punisher 4.00 (oos)
Lost Soul - Wanderer 5.00 (oos)
Lot's Wife 4.00 (oos)
Mayhem 25.00 (oos)
Moses 5.00 (oos)
Moses Kills Egyptian 1.00 (9)
Naaman 1.00 (9)
Obedience of Noah 3.00 (oos)
Pentecost 8.00 (oos)
Sabbath Breaker 7.00 (oos)
Search 2.50 (9)
Seraph 1.50 (9)
Spy 4.00 (oos)
The Amalekites' Slave 5.00 (oos)
Two Bears 6.00 (9)
Urim and Thummim 3.00 (9)
Vain Philosophy 2.50 (9)
*** when commons don't have a quantity listed, it more than likely means I have many available ***
Prophecies of Christ
A Royal Priesthood $2.00 (9)
Aaron, God's Mediator $2.00 (9)
Abed-Nego (Azariah) $0.25
Accursed of God $0.25
Alexander the Great $2.00 (4)
Amos $2.00 (6)
Assyrian Invaders $0.25
Assyrian Laborers $0.25
Babylonian Siege Army $2.00 (1)
Balaam's Prophecy $0.25
Bearing Our Sin $0.25
Belshazzar's Mother $0.25
Besieged $0.25
Betrayal $0.25
Bless the Nation $0.25
Blindness $0.25
Book of the Covenant $30 (oos)
Bow of Battle $0.25
Brass Serpent $0.25
By His Wounds $0.25
Captain of the Host $6 (2)
Capture and Seize $0.25
Carcasses $0.25
Chariot of Fire $4 (1)
Chastisement of the Lord $0.25
City of Refuge $2.00 (3)
Conjurers $0.25
Covenant of Eden $0.25
Covenant of Palestine $0.25
Covenant with Abraham $0.75
Covenant with Adam $0.25
Covenant with David $0.25
Covenant with Moses $1.75
Covenant with Noah $0.25
Cursed Egyptians $0.25
Cut Off $0.25
Daniel's Guardian $0.25
David, God's King $2.00 (3)
Day of the Lord $2.00 (6)
Death of Firstborn $0.25
Deborah $0.25
Delivered $0.25
Destruction of Nehushtan $45 (2)
Devouring Lion $2.00 (6)
Devouring Philistines $0.25
Distortion $0.25
Doomed Canaanites $2.00 (5)
Egypt $0.25
Egyptian Army $0.25
Elijah $2.00 (5) (1 pending)
Elisha $2.00 (oos)
Endless Treasures $7.00 (oos)
Esther, the Courageous $2.00 (6)
Eternal Judgment $2.00 (7)
Eve's Descendant $0.25
Eyes to See $0.25
Ezekiel, the Vindicator $2.00 (6)
Faith $2.00 (1) (1 pending)
False Dreams $0.25
False Leaders $1.75 (7)
False Peace $1.75 (9)
False Prophecy $0.50
False Prophets $0.50
Fiery Furnace $0.50
Flying Scroll $2.50 (oos)
Foolish Edomites $1.75 (7)
Fountain of Living Water $0.50
Fullness of Time $2.00 (8 )
Gathered Together $0.50
God's Mercy / Jonah's Anger $2.00 (8 )
Grain Tenders $0.50
Habakkuk $0.50
Haggai $0.50
Haman's Boasting $0.50
Hannah $0.50
His Name $2.00 (1)
Honor Thy Enemy $0.50
Hosea $0.50
House of Prayer $1.75 (7)
Huldah $0.50
Hur $0.50
'I AM' Has Sent Me $0.50
Incurable $0.50
Indentured Servant $0.50
Irrational Rage $0.50
Isaiah $2.00 (oos)
Jackals $0.50
Jacob's Ladder $0.50
Jeremiah, Hope Bringer $1.75 (7)
Joel $0.50
Jonah $0.50
Jordan Interrupted $0.50
Joseph, the Dreamer $0.50
Joseph's Silver Cup $1.75 (7)
King Darius, the Mede $2.00 (oos)
King of Tyrus $2.00 (6)
King Rezin $2.00 (6)
King Shalmaneser III $0.50
King Tiglath-Pileser III $2.00 (3)
King Xerxes $1.75 (6)
Kinsman Redeemer $0.50
Lacking Prophecy $2.00 (6)
Light in the Darkness $1.75 (6)
Lion's Den $0.50
Lost Soul - Covenant Breaker $1.50
Lost Soul - Distressed $2.00
Lost Soul - Exile $4.50 (oos)
Lost Soul - Foreigner $1.50
Lost Soul - Lost Boy $2.00
Lost Soul - Orphans $4.50 (7)
Lost Soul - Remnant $35 (1)
Lost Soul - Stumble $1.50
Malachi $0.50
Manna $0.50
Melchizedek $1.75 (9)
Men of Moab $0.50
Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin $1.75 (8 )
Meshach (Mishael) $0.50
Micah $0.50
Mighty Men $1.75 (9)
Miriam $0.50
Mordecai $0.50
Moses' Staff $0.50
Moses, Friend of God $2.00 (1)
Mounted Forces $0.50
Mourn and Weep $2.00 (9)
Nahum $0.75
Nebuchadnezzar $2.50 (6)
Necromancer $2.50 (8 )
Negev Lions $0.50
New Covenant - Ezekiel $2.00 (oos)
New Covenant (Isaiah) $1.75 (6)
New Covenant (Jeremiah) $1.75 (7)
Nineveh $1.75 (9)
Ninevites $0.50
Ninevites Repent $0.50
Noah's Ark (Ark of Salvation) $0.50
Numerous as the Stars $0.50
Obadiah $0.50
Offering Your Son $0.50
Out of Bethlehem $0.50
Out of Egypt $0.50
Outpouring $0.50
Pagan Sailors $2.00 (2)
Passover $0.50
Persian Archers $0.50
Persian Conquerors $0.50
Persian Horseman / Horses $0.50
Pharaoh's Servants $0.50
Philistine Soothsayers $0.50
Plague of Blood $0.50
Plunder and Pillage $0.50
Potiphar's Wife $0.50
Potter and the Clay $0.50
Prince Jonathan $0.50
Profane Daughters $0.50
Prophets of Baal $0.50
Prophets of Samaria $0.50
Queen Vashti $0.50
Reap the Whirlwind $2.50 (1)
Reclaimed by Egypt $0.50
Redeeming Branch $0.50
Regrets $1.75 (9)
Righteous Judge $0.50
Samaria $1.75 (9)
Scapegoat $2.50 (oos)
Scattered Sheep $0.50
Seized by Babylon $0.50
Servants by the River $0.50
Shadrach (Hananiah) $0.25
Sheol $40 (oos)
Sign of Jonah $0.25
Soothsayers of Babylon $2.00 (6)
Spirit of Elijah $0.25
Stone cut without hands $0.25
Stricken $0.25
Stubborn Heifer $0.25
Summoned to Interpret $0.25
Sword of the Lord $0.25
Tested by Fire $2.00 (6)
The Afflicted $2.00 (6)
The Angel of His Presence $0.25
The Babylonian Merchants $2.00 (3)
The Bear $0.25
The Coming Prince $0.25
The Coming Prophet $0.25
The Defender of the Saints $0.25
The Destroyer $0.25
The Emmaus Road $25 (1)
The Exodus $2.00 (6)
The Fallen Star $2.00 (5)
The First Sacrifice $2.00 (6)
The Great Fish $2.00 (1)
The King of Nineveh $2.00 (4)
The Lying Prophet $0.25
The Outcasts $1.75 (1)
The Prophetess $0.25
The Ram in the Thicket $0.25
The Shunammite Woman $0.25
The Suffering Servant $0.25
The Terrifying Beast $2.00 (2)
The Three Visitors $0.25
The Widow of Zarephath $0.25
The Winged Leopard $0.25
The Winged Lion $0.25
Transgressors $0.25
Treacherous Land $2.00 (5)
Treachery of Jezebel $0.25
Triumphal Entry $0.25
Trumpet in Zion $0.25
Turn to Egypt $0.25
Unknown Nation $1.75 (8 )
Unsuccessful $0.25
Vain Visions $5.00 (6)
Valley of Dry Bones $40 (oos)
Virgin Birth $0.25
Wasting Disease $0.25
Wickedness of Jezebel $0.25
Withered Plant / The Worm $0.25
Zadok $1.75 (7)
Zechariah, the Renewer $1.75 (8 )
Zephaniah $0.25
Fall of Man
Wages of Sin - $25.00 (oos)
Babel - $45.00 (oos)
The Fall of Man - $25.00 (1)
Did God Really Say? - $2.50 (1)
Japheth's Wife - $2.50 (4)
A New Beginning - $2.50 (oos)
The Rainbow - $2.50 (oos)
Confused Languages - $2.50 (2)
Sodom & Gomorrah - $2.50 (1)
Moab - $2.50 (2)
Deceit & Vengeance - $2.50 (1)
Coat of Many Colors - $2.50 (oos)
Magician's Staves/Magician's Snakes - $2.50 (oos)
Tables of the Law - $2.50 (1)
Golden Calf - $2.50 (oos)
Emim - $2.50 (oos)
Og, King of Bashan - $2.50 (oos)
Covet L. S. (Deut. 5 : 21 ) - $7.50 (oos)
Overtaken - $2.50 (2)
Caleb - $2.50 (3)
Hebron - $2.50 (oos)
Avenged! - $2.50 (5)
Sin and Justice - $2.50 (2)
Phinehas, Son of Eleazar - $2.50 (1)
Lost Annointing - $2.50 (3)
The Fallen King - $2.50 (2)
The Lying Spirit - $2.50 (oos)
King Jehu - $2.50 (3)
David's Census - $2.50 (1)
Justice Bringer - $2.50 (1)
The Lord Goes Before You - $2.50 (2)
Corrupted Temple - $2.50 (oos)
Rubble and Dust - $7.50 (1)
Vindicated L. S. (Job 12 : 18 ) - $5.00 (oos)
Leviathan - $5.00 (1)
The Mighty Warrior - $2.50 (4)
Heart of Depravity - $2.50 (1)
Hope - $2.50 (oos)
Life Through Christ - $2.50 (oos)
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