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How Do Territory Cards Work?

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3-Liner And Bags Of Chips:
I know there is a new class and I just want to make sure I understand before I use them. So I play one on my hero pre-battle and when he enters battle it activates and then is discarded? Is this right and is there something else I am missing?

If it is played in battle treat it as just another enhancement. The only difference is you can play it during your preparation phase only if you have a matching color hero or EC in your territory.

It's basically like any other enhancement, except that you can play and then immediately discard it on a hero of matching brigade in your territory during your preparation or discard phases.

Just to be clear, territory class enhancements are not placed on the character if used out of battle, they are actually played outside of battle.

If you play a territory class enhancement in is played ON a character like any other enhancement and can be negated just like any other enhancement.

--- Quote from: sk on August 24, 2009, 04:17:41 PM ---Just to be clear, territory class enhancements are not placed on the character if used out of in battle, they are actually played outside of battle.

--- End quote ---
I don't really know what you were saying here. Did you mean what I edited? If so I strongly believe that is incorrect.


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