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Redemption® Collectible Trading Card Game HQ => Playgroup and Tournament Central => Redemption® Official Tournaments => Topic started by: CountFount on June 08, 2011, 11:19:39 AM

Title: Missouri State June 25
Post by: CountFount on June 08, 2011, 11:19:39 AM
Just looking to see who might be attending.

From Independence, MO we have Lurch, Thing and myself attending. Has a schedule been published?
Title: Re: Missouri State June 25
Post by: ACe on June 08, 2011, 11:28:38 AM
where is MO state?
Title: Re: Missouri State June 25
Post by: CountFount on June 08, 2011, 11:30:45 AM
Missouri State Tournament. Host: Kordel Lentine, Heartland Church of Christ, 6120 Northwest Prarie View Road, Kansas City, MO 64079. $6.00 registration fee ($3.00 before June 15th) then, Type: Type 1 - 2 Player (free), Type 2 - 2 Player (free), Type 1 - Multi-player (free), Type 2 - Multi-player (free), Type 1 Teams (free), and Sealed Deck - 2 Player ($10.00). Starts: 8:30a.m.
Title: Re: Missouri State June 25
Post by: ACe on June 08, 2011, 11:34:08 AM
ill talk to my wife and see if we cant bring our group over there we would be coming from bolivar!
Title: Re: Missouri State June 25
Post by: Rubber band warrior on June 08, 2011, 05:04:17 PM
I'm planning on making an appearance. Still not sure how many hoodlums will be tagging along with me, though I hope to have a full car.
Title: Re: Missouri State June 25
Post by: CountFount on June 08, 2011, 05:07:00 PM
I heard from the host that if you email him the names of those coming and their email addresses he will count that as pre-registering and give the discount. They haven't nailed down the schedule yet. They are curious to who is planning on attending and what they would like to play.
Title: Re: Missouri State June 25
Post by: ACe on June 08, 2011, 05:22:35 PM
well if we come it would be 4 or 5 of us id really like to try teams but i am afraid i dont know the rules for it!
Title: Re: Missouri State June 25
Post by: Kordel Lentine on June 08, 2011, 06:55:59 PM
So far I haven't had a chance to play teams yet, either.  I went up to Iowa for their state tournament and then for the regional tournament, but each time Teams was the last block when I needed to be driving home.
Title: Re: Missouri State June 25
Post by: Master KChief on June 08, 2011, 07:00:00 PM
scuba redemption, forgot all about that. priceless. :)
Title: Re: Missouri State June 25
Post by: Kordel Lentine on June 09, 2011, 07:57:25 AM
Yes, the Harvest Time I use in my official tournament deck is from that Scuba game -- it still has the imprint of the large paperclip I had to attach to it to keep it from floating away.
Title: Re: Missouri State June 25
Post by: Kordel Lentine on June 09, 2011, 08:05:45 AM
Everyone, I apologize for dragging my feet on publishing the official schedule of events.  I've made the registration fee 50% off for pre-registration (by 6/15--just send and email to with your name) for the express purpose of having a better idea of how many to expect in advance, and will release the tentative schedule after that deadline.  Although about half of the state tournaments are 1-day events, all of the other larger tournaments I've hosted in the past (State, Regionals, and even Nationals in 2003) have been 2-day events.  It seems tight to me, so I have been talking to others who have hosted 1-day state tournaments (like Bryon Hake and FaithRaider) to see what worked for them.  The big variable is the mandatory number of rounds based on attendance, and I hope to have a better idea of what to expect after 6/15.  Thanks for everyone's patience.
Title: Re: Missouri State June 25
Post by: Kordel Lentine on June 09, 2011, 08:07:14 AM
Everyone, let me know either here or by email ( what one or two events you are hoping to play in, and I will do my best to keep that in mind when finalizing the blocks.
Title: Re: Missouri State June 25
Post by: ACe on June 09, 2011, 08:41:40 AM
In sealed deck what type of packs are you using or is it tins?
Title: Re: Missouri State June 25
Post by: Kordel Lentine on June 09, 2011, 05:53:20 PM
Sealed deck will have choice of one Thesaurus or Disciple pack, and one Angel Wars or Priests booster pack.
Title: Re: Missouri State June 25
Post by: Kordel Lentine on June 09, 2011, 06:00:02 PM
Everyone, I decided that I didn't really like squeezing this tournament in to one rushed day, so I checked with the church and with Rob, and the Missouri state tournament has officially been extended to TWO days.  We will have one block of play on Friday evening (6/24) and two more on Saturday (6/25).
Title: Re: Missouri State June 25
Post by: Master KChief on June 09, 2011, 07:17:51 PM
what time will it start on friday?

also, i did not see anything about draft. will draft be offered, especially now that its a 2-day event?
Title: Re: Missouri State June 25
Post by: Red Warrior on June 09, 2011, 08:20:14 PM
I believe Zach, Cody, Caleb, Kara and I will only be able to attend on Saturday unless we made the trip back up to Braymer to stay for Friday evening.

I personally would like most to play in T1-2P and T2-2P (Maybe T2-MP).
The rest of my group will probably play T1-2P, T1-MP, and Teams.
Title: Re: Missouri State June 25
Post by: CountFount on June 09, 2011, 09:19:27 PM
Our group can't make except Saturday. We would like to play type-2 2 player and booster draft.
Title: Re: Missouri State June 25
Post by: Rubber band warrior on June 09, 2011, 09:29:06 PM
I probably wouldn't be able to make it Friday night either, though there is a chance so long as it starts after 7:00 or so.
Title: Re: Missouri State June 25
Post by: ACe on June 09, 2011, 11:37:59 PM
We won't be able to make the Friday one we want to play type 1 2player and teams
Title: Re: Missouri State June 25
Post by: Kordel Lentine on June 11, 2011, 07:01:38 PM
Everyone, still sorry to be taking so long on the schedule. Since we're not coming from an active playgroup, I'm trying to get as much feedback as possible from participants. Thanks for everyone's feedback so far. I can't do everything that EVERYONE wanted, but still quite a bit. Here are some answers to some of the questions I've got here and by email:

There has not been enough interest to justify adding booster draft. Sorry. We will be staying with the 6 categories listed on Cactus' tournaments page.

I'm sorry to see so many that might not be able to make it on Friday. If it helps with anyone's arriving and departing schedules, anyone who wants is welcome to spend Friday and/or Saturday night at my house. I don't have many extra beds (only one hide-a-bed), but I have 6 recliners (my boys like to sack out on those--it would kill my back), 2 air mattresses, and lots of floor space if you bring sleeping bags. I can also make space for a separate room for girls. Just send me an email or PM if interested.

I will have food available for sale at the tournament, and there are nearby fast food options. I'll supply more details on that by emails to everyone who pre-registers after the deadline.
Title: Re: Missouri State June 25
Post by: Red Warrior on June 11, 2011, 07:35:42 PM
Thanks so much for all the effort you are going to in order to make this happen. We really appreciate your servant's heart. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help getting things together!

Looking forward to getting to fellowship with some fellow Redemption players again!
Title: Re: Missouri State June 25
Post by: ACe on June 11, 2011, 10:14:49 PM
Let us know too if you need help i have hosted tourneys before!
Title: Re: Missouri State June 25
Post by: Kordel Lentine on June 13, 2011, 09:04:37 AM
Everyone, don't forget the pre-registration deadline for 50% off the registration fee ($3 instead of $6) is June 15th (2 days from the date of this posting).  To "pre-register" all you need to do is send an email to with your name and what category (or categories) you would most like to play.

So far I only have 5 pre-registered, but have 20 that have expressed interest.  Keep in mind, statements like "me and a friend" or "me and a car load" do not count for pre-registration for the "friend" or "car load."  I NEED an actual name for each one who want to be added to the pre-registration list.  Thanks!
Title: Re: Missouri State June 25
Post by: Kordel Lentine on June 14, 2011, 04:11:12 AM
The pre-registration list is up to 17 players.  Don't forget to "pre-register" (send me an email or message with your name) by midnight 6/15 if you haven't already.

I have had quite a bit of feedback suggesting that booster draft would be much more popular than closed deck.  So much that I am thinking of replacing sealed deck with booster draft.  Does anyone have any thoughts or preferences on this?
Title: Re: Missouri State June 25
Post by: Kordel Lentine on June 14, 2011, 12:35:06 PM
I just spoke to Rob about this, and officially decided to change sealed deck to booster draft.  My question for all of you is what packs you would prefer to be offered and what is the maximum cost you'd like to see for this category.  I will do my best to keep all your feedback in mind before I order additional cards from Rob.
Title: Re: Missouri State June 25
Post by: ACe on June 14, 2011, 01:05:44 PM
So i think we should have some disciples packs for booster and to buy because i dont have a book store near me that sells the new sets!
Title: Re: Missouri State June 25
Post by: Master KChief on June 14, 2011, 01:27:37 PM
the packs we did for nc regionals was disciples, txp, priests, kings, angel wars, and women. women was added to the mix because everyone agreed to pay $3 extra, but otherwise it was $15 for everything else.
Title: Re: Missouri State June 25
Post by: Gabe on June 14, 2011, 01:46:51 PM
the packs we did for nc regionals was disciples, txp, priests, kings, angel wars, and women. women was added to the mix because everyone agreed to pay $3 extra, but otherwise it was $15 for everything else.

We didn't use Angel Wars but the rest is accurate. ;)
Title: Re: Missouri State June 25
Post by: Master KChief on June 14, 2011, 01:58:56 PM
ah, i asked my brother about it yesterday and he said he thought he remembered opening angel wars in hopes of getting a big angel. guess he was wrong. :)
Title: Re: Missouri State June 25
Post by: Gabe on June 14, 2011, 02:01:42 PM
ah, i asked my brother about it yesterday and he said he thought he remembered opening angel wars in hopes of getting a big angel. guess he was wrong. :)

As if Stephen's deck needed any help!  ;D
Title: Re: Missouri State June 25
Post by: Rubber band warrior on June 14, 2011, 02:22:37 PM
I liked having a tin to draft out of and then additional packs, but I haven't played a draft since the release of TxP or Disciples so I don't really know how they play out in a booster draft.
Title: Re: Missouri State June 25
Post by: Master KChief on June 14, 2011, 05:23:14 PM
very tasty for draft!
Title: Re: Missouri State June 25
Post by: Kordel Lentine on June 15, 2011, 05:41:53 PM
Everyone, thanks for all your patience and input while I was preparing for the MO State.  All of your comments were very helpful.  I couldn't accommodate everything that everyone wanted, but all comments have helped to shape this year's MO State for what worked best for MOST people.  It looks like, as has been typical in our area, this will be a very Type 1 dominated tournament, and the schedule reflects that.  Following is the planned schedule:

Friday (6/24) Doors open at 5:00 p.m. 
T1MP registration begins at 5:30 and play begins at 6:00 (3 rounds).
T2MP registration begins at 6:00 and play begins at 6:30 (2 rounds).
We hope to finish both categories and announce winners by 9:30 p.m.

Saturday (6/24) Registration for T12P and T22P begins at 8:00.  Play begins at 9:00 a.m. and goes until 3:45 p.m. (6 rounds of T12P and 4 rounds of T22P), with a lunch break from 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.  Winners should be announced at 4:00 p.m.

There will be a half hour break before registration begins for Booster Draft and Teams at 4:30.  Both will play 3 rounds ending at 9:00 p.m. and winners announced at 9:15 p.m.

Additional information:

Out-of-town players may stay at my house Friday and/or Saturday night.  I don't have many extra beds (just one hide-a-bed), but I have 6 recliners (if sacking out on a Lay-Z-Boy won't destroy your back like it would mine!), 2 air mattresses, and LOTS of floor space--bring your sleeping bags.  Contact me to make arrangements.

We will order pizza at the tournament for lunch and sell it for $1 per slice.  Hotdogs will be sold throughout the day (lunch and dinner), as well as chips, candy, and drinks.  There are fast food restaurants within short driving distance, but none available by foot.  Players are welcome to bring their own meals, but should keep in mind that there will be no refrigerator space available, so pack sack lunches accordingly.

I will have a variety of Redemption inventory available for sale at the tournament.  However, prizes will be awarded in the form of Redemption Cash (to be redeemed through Cactus' web site) as I will not have enough extra product on hand to supply the $270 in prizes for a state-level tournament.

Booster Draft will cost $15.  It will be classic draft with Limited, Prophets, Apostles, Patriarchs, Kings, Priests, and Disciples (this is a retail value of $20).

So far we have 20 people definitely coming, and many not yet decided.  We are hoping for a good turnout and a great time!  If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to let me know.
Title: Re: Missouri State June 25
Post by: Kordel Lentine on June 16, 2011, 09:27:46 AM
Pre-registration is now closed.  The official count right now is 20 people pre-registered.  Many others expressed interest and are free to just show up.  I still encourage you to pop me an email or message if you're coming just so I can be better prepared in setting up.  Thanks.
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