Other Gaming > Game Design

made card game, how do i register copyright for it?

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I had made a card game that i feel is somewhat advanced (needs 2 calculators per person), but i feel will run great. How do i get the copyright registered for it so no one can steal it? I looked up for books that copyright is put on it the moment it is created, but registering it is another thing. I don't know how to register copyright for card games. My best guess is to go on the copyright website, but i do not see anything that would apply to games. Do i call them up?

Not sure this board is the best place to start with that.  You may want to review the guidelines and protections for copyrighting games.  I would especially start with that because it will show you that even if you copyright a game, most of it is not protected unfortunately (that is, someone could make a similar game legally even if you passed through the process).

ok, so just find a publisher for the game, understood.

New Raven BR:
2 calculators? why 2?

One for math, and another for keeping your "currency". Do you think its possible that i would be able to present this to someone like Capcom? I don't want Wizards, but i want someone big. This card game can be equals to Duelmasters. I want to be able to see this in Wal-mart. I feel this game has every reason to be popular: it will contain nothing from the occult, and no monsters. Also, the only support cards are not truly support cards. Its very unique. I'm looking for a big name publisher, and have a lot of the game sorted out. I just need the numbers in...


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